Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Just a thought...
Today Mommy is 34 weeks pregnant with you. That means that in a mere three weeks you will be considered a full term baby should you decide to grace us with your presence. I have a big conversation coming up with my Doctor concerning your arrival and when it should take place for the health and safety of me and the fact I have Crohns disease. I swore up and down that I would allow nature to take it's course for your arrival. I wanted you to come when you were ready and when my body was fully prepared for it to happen but now I must take into consideration whether you need a healthy Mommy or risk ending up with a sick Mommy. So many decisions I have had to make over the course of these last eight months pertaining to your well being and so many more that are yet to come. I have already started putting your needs in front of my own. Money that was gifted to me over the holidays has been spent on you and I don't regret it for a second...I only wish I could do more for you as I am sure most all parents feel.
I am starting to drive Daddy a little on the crazy side. Even though your nursery still hasn't been completed I can't help but walk by and open up the door and just stand there in awe of what it is about to become and the countless hours you and I will spend in there just gazing upon one another. He quickly walks by and shuts the door not understanding my need to keep the door open. You are the light of my life already and I can't even begin to understand how much that will grow once I have you in my arms.
You have so many people anxiously awaiting your arrival. Your Aunt Nikki and Aunt Heather are just as excited as we are and your Uncle Matt and Uncle Steve, well they have become very protective of you already. I think Aunt Megan is just excited to share your arrival with all of her friends and shout proudly from the roof tops that she is an Aunt...silly teenagers!
We won't even begin to discuss how your Grandparents are doing. Your Grandpa Blankenship no longer cares about my well being, it's "how is my Granddaughter doing, you keep her safe". Grandma B is just as excited, she is stocking up for your arrival and I fear that she may snatch you one day and not give you back. She proudly showed off the bumpers for your cradle and the quilt that a friend made for her, all that is to be kept at her house, on Christmas. And she kept saying she wanted a boy, I think she has gotten over that rather nicely. Your Papaw takes pride in reminding me that I am carrying precious cargo...or "his" granddaughter as he says. There was great debate on Christmas about what your nickname would be. Dylan is currently going by pickle, and Mya, your soon to be cousin goes by peanut...he informed me that you would go by pumpkin. I guess we have a letter p thing going on here and in true fashion it must revolve around food.
Your Daddy is slowly coming around. Deep down inside he's excited, he just doesn't show it. I think it's a man thing and he says it will all change the minute he sees you for the first time. After the few short seconds you will be laid upon my chest at birth you will be going straight to your Daddy's arms. I will have gotten to hold you for the past nine months at that point so it's only fair that he gets his turn and that it takes place after I have kicked the few people that will be in the room out on their fannies...hopefully Grandma B, Aunt Nikki, and Aunt Heather will understand.
Daddy has now compared you to your four legged brothers and sadly it's somewhat true. The boys know when it's time to be fed, they harass you and run around like crazed animals until you give in and just feed them already. After they have full tummies they are out for the count, curled up like precious bundles scattered around the living room. It's those moments of peace that Mommy treasures...those few hours that I don't want to skin them alive for destroying something. Sadly Addison, you are the same way. When its time to eat you slowly start moving about in my tummy and during the time in which I am feeding the both of us, you grow more fierce in your movements to the point Mommy is in pain and can barely eat. Shortly after finishing though you settle down nicely until we must start the process all over again. At least your nice to Mommy when it's lights out, you must like your sleep like I do. Please continue with that after your arrival!
Anyway, I just wanted to remind you how loved you are and how excited we are to finally meet you. Life for everyone is about to change for the better in just a few short weeks.
Love Always,
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Momma's on a roll!
Our next baby shower is on January 10th which will be here before I know it. I still can't believe how close we are to meeting our little girl. A few more things to buy and we should be all set.
Friday, December 25, 2009
33 Weeks and counting!
Until then take a look at this little bundle of joy...I could just eat him up he's so darn cute!
He was way to busy to smile for the camera in that last picture. His priority at the time was chewing on his fingers and watching TV.
Hope that everyone had a very Merry Christmas. Ours was wonderful and full of family, more family tomorrow which is great.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Anyway, I have had two ultrasounds since and an appointment or two since my last post so I guess it's about time I share some information.
Everything remains good, my blood pressure is excellent and swelling is relatively minor at this point in the game. The only thing that seems to be swelling are my feet/ankles and I only notice it at the end of the day. I blame it on having to sit at a desk for eight hours a day with little to no movement unless I am getting up to use the ladies room or grabbing something off of the printer. I should really move around more!
Anyway, I passed my glucose test with an 84, 140 being the cut off before they start looking at you for gestational diabetes, so that was pretty awesome. I have had my RhoGAM shot so that is over and done with. It wasn't so bad, before I knew it the nurse was slapping on a band-aid and the sucker didn't even leave a mark. It still cracks me up how nervous I get about needles, you would think I would be a pro by now but they still bother me a little bit. It was worse this time since it had been awhile since I have had a shot, actually it's been a long while, try freshman year of college, so even though they say the needles stuck in you for blood draws or my infusions are worse, I was still somewhat panicked about it and would have much rather had my blood drawn.
*Ultrsound pic from November 11th I don't think I ever shared with you. Today was yet another ultrasound and the little lady is once again measuring with a delivery date of February 10th, gee I wonder why my Doctor won't listen to me. She still says my due date is the 18th, I guess my dates and all of the ultrasounds aren't proof enough. We are actually prepping ourselves for a January delivery, not sure why, but I just have this gut feeling that she will be here at the end of January sometime. Not that it really matters what I feel or the tech determines by ultrasound, I figure she will come when she is good and ready and just to be stubborn she will probably come right on the 18th to make her Mother look foolish. She comes from a very long line of stubborn ass' so I wouldn't expect any different...LOL.
She is measuring right on track with a weight just under four pounds. I still can't believe I have something inside of me that large...then she knocks me in the bladder and I remember that yes, I do have something that large inside of me. She is head down and face down so she is ready to go...I wonder if she realizes she has another eight weeks yet...who knows what her rush is (once again the whole January delivery flashes in my mind)! Maybe it's because it's Christmas and she isn't to thrilled about missing out on the festivities. Or could it be because Daddy selfishly mentioned that her arrival before the 31st would be nice because we could claim her on our taxes? I have forbidden her from coming until the carpet is down in her room and the crib is put together and ready to go...we will see who she listens to...Mom or Dad. On another cute note, she has hair and what the ultrasound tech said appears to be lots. The tech asked me, "do you see all of those squiggly, fuzzy lines around her head?", "yes" I replied, "that's her hair" she pointed out. That is very reassuring since both her Mom and Dad had lots of hair that stood on end when born. In fact Daniel's Mom mentioned that if this baby was born with no hair and it didn't stand up on end, then Daniel wasn't the father...LOL. Further proof that yes folks, my husband is the father of my unborn child.
Her heartbeat was a good 153 but unfortunately due to her size and the lack of space she has left we were unable to get any really good pictures. We didn't even get a glance at her face since she was head down. I thought it was really cute when the tech stopped the probe for the ultrasound right over top of her head. You could actually see Addison rotate her head back and forth in my cervix. It was like she had an itch and she was rubbing her nose to relieve it. Just like her younger brother I tell you. Lennon has a bad habit of scratching his nose by rubbing it back and forth on the couch, it appeared that she was doing the same.So there we go, oh wait, I have not gained anymore weight since the nine pound event in November. The Doctor said it wasn't unusual to have a large increase like that and since I hadn't gained any since then chances are it was most likely water retention.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
New Bedding
Remember the bedding I showed you a week or so ago? Yeah, well, it was a big flop, damn e-bayers, needless to say it's going bye-bye so something else had to be picked. Once again my MIL stepped up to the plate and agreed to split the cost of bedding with us so that we could have something nice. She ordered it today and it should be here within the next two to four weeks. Does anyone else out there love their MIL's? I have always been curious because it seems like most could live without them.
Anyway, here is the new bedding. It's not in hand yet so don't be surprised if some major event means we have to pick something else but I am confident with this one so please keep your fingers crossed!
Daniel wouldn't allow all girly colors in the nursery so I couldn't paint all of the walls pink. We also both wanted a farm theme. I think this bedding was a nice compromise don't you?
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Why do I get the feeling my ordeal was the topic of conversation for a day or so afterwards...LOL. I did ask if I should redo it just to make sure we were all right but she said that I was fine. YAY, now we just have to get through the big shot in the rear on the 7th.
Monday, November 23, 2009
It's official...
Friday, November 20, 2009
28 week appointment...
I had another dream this morning about you and you came out with these perfectly round cheeks, maybe you have squirrel tendencies after all.
Any who, we had another decent appointment I guess you could say. Your heart rate was 150 and my blood pressure and urine were once again clean. It was after those announcements that the appointment went south of the border.
Do you know why they call the glucose test a one hour glucose test?
It's because one hour from the time you drink your lovely orange beverage they are supposed to take your blood. Not one hour and forty five minutes later as was the case today. How they manage to misplace your file and then proceed to forget about you is beyond me but they did. It didn't help that I was dehydrated which meant trying to get blood was like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Four nurses and five sticks later they finally found blood. This was after they all had to argue about who was going to do it and then proceed to ignore my request to just redo the test at another time when we were all better prepared. I was actually pretty proud of myself though. Needle sticks #3 and #4 were done after I pretty much told them to have at it. For anyone that knows me and the chore it is to get blood from my veins this is a new thing. Normally after the second one I wave the white flag and tell them to back the hell away before anyone gets hurt. It didn't even get dizzy from all of the commotion. I think Mommy has finally put on a pair of her big girl underwear...YAY!!
Hopefully they are able to use the blood and not force us to deal with it again. You didn't move much this morning and I knew why. Mommy hadn't fed you since around 7 o'clock last night so her lil' peanut was just hungry and tired of all the bull crap. I just fed you a single with cheese from Wendy's and you haven't stopped moving since. I guess since I have gained (gulp) 9 lbs. in such a short period of time that maybe a burger from Wendy's wasn't the greatest of ideas but I was in a rush to get home, feed your brothers, and then get back to work since I had been gone since 9:15 this morning. Hell...let's be honest, the cheeseburger probably wasn't smart but the thought of even considering going on a diet is just a joke. Our first Thanksgiving dinner is tomorrow followed by at least one more and then we head into the Christmas season which means Christmas parties, our holiday bake off, Christmas Eve, and then Christmas day. By then you will be a month away from joining us in the real world so why make myself suffer? Not only that but what kind of mother would I be if I didn't allow to you participate in all of the wonderful food during this season?
Monday, November 16, 2009
Do you like Pink?
If not then I am sorry. You have more pink clothing than I know what to do with. This is not entirely my fault, I swear. Just about everything that has been purchased for you is either all pink or has hints of pink through out.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Baby Shower #1
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Another ultrasound (Revised)
~As promised I added the picture to the post. My sister said she looked just like her...I think she is going to look like her Daddy. I guess we will have to wait and see.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Emotional...I think not!!
Lord help me, this parenting craps going to be tough sometimes!
On a good note though, I am hoping today's emotional breakdown equals no more for at least another seven months but lets hope and pray Daniel doesn't come home and ask what happened or why I am not in a talkative mood. I can't guarantee that I will be able to hold back the waterworks for a second time and lord knows he can't handle tears so then I will have to control my hormonal rage for a second time and not tell him to fix his own blessed dinner! Maybe I should text him ahead of time with a warning, what do you think?
Sunday, November 8, 2009
We have less than one week to get that room cleared out completely and ready to go because Saturday is the first baby shower. I am so excited I can't see straight. Hopefully we will have lots of pictures to share!
Monday, November 2, 2009
100 days and couting...
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween
Friday, October 30, 2009
My Ride
A minivan???????
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Mental Note
Example B- Do not brag about your perfect complexion. If you do, by the time you get home and then proceed to wake up the following morning, you will have a ginormous zit located in the crease of your chin right under your lip! Cover up anybody?
Example C- Never comment on how well you feel at six months of pregnancy. If you comment on how you wouldn't think you were pregnant if it weren't for the test and ultrasound pictures, you will wake up the next morning with very sore boobies as well as a very tender lower belly due to your unborn child's acrobatic maneuvers while she should have been sleeping last night.
Example D- You now know that your child does indeed like Olive Garden! You know this because you can now tell the difference between her liking Olive Garden and disliking Taco Bell. DO NOT eat Taco Bell again for at least the next three months!
Lastly, please remember that just because you are married now and no longer use your maiden name, your true last name will always still be Murphy. You can marry, divorce, and then remarry nine more times and you will still have the Murphy blood coursing through your veins. You have heard of Murphy's Law, you have lived Murphy's Law, you know why they named the law after your family!! In the future please remember this, as maybe it will keep you from opening your big mouth about how well things are going. You should know by now that if you show the good in your life attention, the bad will come barrelling through!! Can I get an AMEN from my fellow Murphy's??
Now on that note, we are broke as a joke and tickled pink about it! Did you hear me Mega Millions, we are broke and glad. Teach me a lesson and now make me rich beyond words, I promise I will be unhappy, least until the new white Chevy Suburban gets delivered and the new house is done being built. I can be miserable with a home movie theater, gourmet kitchen, and jacuzzi tub, honest I can!!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Little Tidbits
- I don't know if you really love Olive Garden or really hate it but this past Monday when I had Olive Garden for lunch you went crazy. Crazy to the point I had to ask you to settle down because your constant moving around was actually starting to get uncomfortable here while sitting at my desk. Chances are it's because you loved it because honestly, who can resist their salad and bread sticks??
- I think something about knowing I had only gained two pounds this entire pregnancy set my appetite off and running. The people at Frisch's are becoming my best friends. I have had two big boys in less than five days and the more tarter sauce on the burger the better!!! Does this mean you will love tarter sauce just like me? Your Great-Aunt Robin craved hamburgers with only ketchup and cheese while pregnant with your Aunt Heather and guess what...Aunt Heather will only eat hamburgers with ketchup and cheese.
- Even though you have become very active, you are actually allowing me to sleep. I am no longer uncomfortable and can actually lay titled on my tummy and even on my back for a little while. Usually laying on my back is when I feel you move around the most. Not sure if that means you like it or not, maybe that's your sign for me to roll over, but right now I am pushing it so I apologize if you don't care for it.
- You still won't kick for Daddy and he is actually starting to think you may not like him. You kick and kick and kick and then when Daddy places his hand on my tummy you stop, and then start right back up the minute he moves his hand. I told him he needed to talk to you more, we will see if he listens. Everyone else says it's because his hand is soothing to you, whatever people, it's because she loves her Mommy. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
- I have decided that I will be breastfeeding you full time. Mommy has made herself a nervous wreck thinking about whether this was a good idea or not since I get the Remicade infusions but I have spoken to a lot of women on who get the same infusion and they all breastfeed without problems. Studies have shown the worse that will happen is your body will build an immunity to the medication and should you fall into the 2% of children who get the disease from their parents then Remicade will not be a course of treatment for you. Luckily most do not get diagnosed until they are in there twenties and I figure by then they will have much better medicines for treating this horrible disease. I am truly sorry if this turns out to be the wrong decision but honestly, this decision has been a tough one for me and for the life of me I don't know which one is better so I am going with what I think is best.
- Also, please do not think that because you are going to be breastfed that you will not have to use a bottle. I have decided that you will get the best of both worlds. Cousin Dylan refuses a bottle leaving Aunt Nikki to be the only food provider. The first time Daddy comes to me while I have shampoo in my hair because your hungry and crying like you might starve to death, there will be consequences. I want to be able to take a shower in peace and if that means Daddy has to nuke a bottle and feed you then so be it. I am also doing this for the sake of when I go back to work. My boobies will not exactly be at your disposal and Aunt Nikki's are not for lease, she will have to feed you somehow.
- Pretty much the one and only complaint I have right now is the heartburn/indigestion that I occasionally get. It gets pretty wicked sometimes and I would love to not be able to deal with it but the fact I am not a fat miserable pregnant woman right now doesn't really allow me an opportunity to complain. Life could be really uncomfortable right now but it's not so I need to hush. My back is fine, my boobs aren't leaky, and if I couldn't feel you move or have the pictures to prove you're in there, I would honestly question the pregnancy test and Doctors.
- Thanks to you I have the pregnancy glow I hear about so often. My skin is clean and clear and I swear a little mascara and a hint of blush and I can be out of the door and ready to go. No need for all of the other applications. Rumor has it that when you are pregnant with a girl the acne is worse. They say the baby girls suck the beauty right out of their Mom's, I think you have done the complete opposite, you have made me even prettier. Can I say that without being full of myself???
- Lastly, have I told you lately just how much I love you? You are not even here yet and I have this overwhelming love for you that I have never felt before. There have been a few Moms on the baby board you have lost their little ones. These kids weren't supposed to come out for another three months but for some reason they came early and weren't strong enough to survive. Addison, please stay in there until February!! I don't want to know what it's like to lose a child or to know that my body failed you somehow. I need you more than I think I have even come to realize and I don't think I would be strong enough to move on without you. When I leave the hospital I want to leave with you in tow.
Just a few more months and you will become a reality and let me tell you, we can't wait!!!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Another great appointment
Ready....I have gained a whopping...two pounds. That's right my friends, I am six months pregnant and have only gained two whole pounds. I am not sure if God is playing a cruel joke where he's going to allow my weight to stay the same and then overnight I balloon up to the size of a beached whale or what. I told the Doctor it was because I was like a grizzly bear, I had already stored up enough fat that my body didn't need anymore for this baby to grow. She's knocked up as well so I don't know if she laughed because it was funny or laughed because she couldn't hit me Thinking about it though I think my weight gain or lack there of has something to do with the fact I had been on steroids for the past year. I think my body trying to go back to normal plus growing a little peanut in my belly has thrown everything off. I will be curious to see what the weight gain will be in any future pregnancies.
I did mention the gall bladder issues I had last week and she reassured me once again that even though I am miserable the baby is not affected at all. To be safe rather than sorry we are doing another ultrasound just to make sure it's still a normal size. If it doesn't come back bad then she pretty much told me I needed to suck it up and deal with it, not in those exact words though. Since the baby isn't affected the possible side affects of a surgery with an unborn child on board are not worth the risk. I guess since I have suffered with it this long, another three months won't kill me, especially since I will be rewarded so nicely in the end.
Since we forgot to ask during our last ultrasound I did remember to ask how the baby looked then. Was she normal in size? What is my due date according to the ultrasound? Is she healthy?
I got wonderful answers to each of my questions, she is measuring perfect, my due date according to the ultrasound stills says the 10th or the 11th (they still won't change it from the 18th though), and she is healthy as a horse!! I brought up my Remicade infusions and I was told because of them they wanted an ultrasound done every four to six weeks for the remainder of my pregnancy so that they can monitor her growth. That means I should be getting a better profile shot of my dear daughter. Since she wouldn't hold still last time they got her profile as her head was tilted so it wasn't the best.
Anyway, it's Friday which means I don't have to come to work tomorrow and plus I had a great appointment, what more could I ask for??
Friday, October 16, 2009
Exciting things are starting to happen
Anyway, after drugging myself every three to four hours Wednesday night just to get some sort of mild relief, Addison came out of her Tylenol induced coma and has been beating the crap out of me since. Daniel swears this little girl is going to be the first baby ever to be born with an addiction to Tylenol, what can I say...I am in serious pain here people. So yesterday after being stuck at home trying to recover from the past few days I gently laid my hands on my tummy for some Mommy and Addison bonding time and what do you know, she kicked the crap out of my hand...TWICE!! It was the very first time I had actually felt her movement from the outside, I have been feeling it on the inside for several weeks now and it was the greatest thing ever, I think it was even better than when we found out it was a little girl in there. Right now she is only kicking for her Mommy, when Daddy tried getting a good swift kick last night she decided that she didn't want to play along...HAHA!! Poor Daddy!!
Speaking of Daddy, he is leaving this weekend for his job interview in West Virginia, he has decided that his love of white water rafting is something that he wants to do on the weekends, I have remained quiet on the matter as I am sure we all know what my feelings are on my husband leaving me every weekend starting next March and ending next October with a newborn and four dogs, that's another post though and why I have elected to stay mum on the matter. Since I think he feels somewhat guilty of the amount of time he is going to be spending away from home and plus since he had to stop by Wal-Mart to grab some snacks for while he is down there, I am sure he was inundated with "Did you remember Sweetest Day posters", he bought me three red roses and brought them to me at work. The roses worked for now!! :) Now if only I can get him to rinse out his nightly ice cream bowls...LOL.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Dearest Child...
Now we have four more months of this to go and I realize you are only going to get bigger and that your sleeping quarters are getting smaller but PLEASE give me at least one side, preferably my left. If not I will be withholding the tangerines that you seem to thoroughly love for the remainder of this pregnancy and until you get teeth!!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
To my little peanut...
I know that we have about four months to go before you make your grand appearance and believe me, I want you in there for as long as you need to take, but after getting to hold your cousin Dylan and hearing him coo softly in the telephone to his Auntie Katie I must admit...I am ready for you to get here now.
I can't wait to hear your first cry, hold you in my arms, and then see the look on your Daddy's face when he sees yours for the first time. I can't wait to bring you home and rock you softly watching your gaze drift from place to place. I can't wait to be awaken early in the morning to your cries and to be satisfied that the minute I pick you up from your crib your tears will stop. I can't wait to bathe you and then take in the scent of your wonderful baby smell and I can't wait to dress you in all of your cute outfits. I also can't wait for the moment when your Daddy has to change your first dirty diaper, lord knows I will have difficulties, but we will see just how well he does.
I dread the day I must drop you off with Aunt Nikki and cousin Dylan so that I can go back to work, but I look forward to the moment when I can pick you up and will take great pleasure in watching you grin the moment you realize Mommy is there to take you home.
Please also know you have a brother at home who can't wait to play dress up and do sweeper patrol after your first high chair feeding. Bandit was quite excited, or as excited as a dog who doesn't understand can be, when Daddy told him he had a sister on the way. He is fed up with being the little brother surrounded by all of your big brothers. He is thrilled to finally have someone at his level.
You have lots of Aunt and Uncles, and Grandparents who can't wait to meet you. So please don't mess around when its time to arrive, Dylan thought he would be cute by taking way longer than he should have. I don't think the family will cooperate the second time around my little love bug!! Also, the quicker you get here the quicker Uncle Matt and Uncle Steve can quit worrying about whether the big dogs will mistake you for a chew toy. They seem to forget that they had a great dane at that age as well who allowed them both to crawl all over him.
Love Always,
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Dylan Raymond Landis
Monday, October 5, 2009
On a side note I spent a few hours with her last night while they got everything started and selfishly it was kind of nice. We are birthing at the same hospital and chances are may have the same nurses. It was nice to get a feel of the place while not being escorted around on a tour and her nurse last night was kind enough to offer me some guidance and answer some questions that I had concerning the dreaded epidural. I still can't believe that in four months I am going to be the one in the bed while Nikki is the one in the chair looking on. I just pray that Addison is a little bit more generous when it comes time to making her grand entrance into the world. I keep telling her, "don't make me come in there and get you". I wonder if she plans on listening? My fear is that the wonderful cold weather in Ohio during the month of February will keep her in way past her due date. I mean who can blame her, I don't want to be in the cold Ohio weather during that month let alone should a baby whose been snuggled inside of my nice warm womb for almost ten months.
Friday, October 2, 2009
We're on team...
We have a healthy, very active little girl on the way and we are ecstatic!! Daddy got a kick out of watching her box with both arms in my belly, no wonder my tummy is always sore where she's hanging out.
I guess mother's intuition was right this time. I have had a gut feeling since we found out that we were pregnant that this little one was going to be a little girl. So glad I was right, I would have hated to put away all of those little pink outfits that I have already bought!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Two Days
Little one...isn't that right??
Come on now, work with Mommy, you will be here on February 10th correct???
Shit...I got no response. The good news is I am willing to give this kid until the 14th since I think it would be cool to have a valentines day baby, but that is between me and you, don't tell the kid though!!! Thankfully being due in the second week of February means that more than likely, unless I go early, that I am for sure having a February baby. Unlike my poor sister who thought she was having a September baby but has now decided he would rather be an October baby.
On another note, I think it's time for us to renew our membership to Sam's Club. Did you know that a Twix bar a day out of the vending machine at work at seventy cents a pop calculates to roughly $140 during this pregnancy? I wonder how much money I could save if I bought them in bulk?
I also didn't realize how much diapers cost. I mean really, is it necessary to charge someone almost $20 a box for something that is going to be shit in and then tossed? We will literally be throwing money in the trash with these things. I have received one package so far as a birthday gift from my Grandparents, and I guess I should really start buying a package with each pay check but man it tears me up to spend that kind of money. Guess that is something I should have thought about before I let my husband knock me So far to date we have received or bought the following items for the baby; crib, rocking horse, excasaucer, 1 package of diapers, two tubs of baby wipes, two pacifiers, several outfits, one toy/rattle, two baby books, and three bottles. I think we better start shopping don't you? Look out Babies R Us, Mommy is going to be on the prowl on Friday!!!
Friday, September 25, 2009
20 Week Appointment
This little child of mine is already quite the character. He or she had myself and the nurse laughing out loud because the little one was not being tolerant of the doppler this morning. The poor nurse would find the heartbeat, you would hear it for a second or two and then swoosh, the baby would take off in another direction. After about a minute or two of that little game the nurse would find the heartbeat and then all of sudden, BANG, the child would kick the doppler and then off he or she would go. I kid you not this went on for what seemed like four to five minutes before we got a heart rate of 147.
I have my glucose test scheduled on the 13th, yuck! Not sure how that is going to go but I remain optimistic that I pass it with flying colors. My next appointment is on the 23rd and oh yes, the ultrasound is scheduled next Friday at 7:45 in the morning. Anyone else so excited they could pee their pants or would that just be me??? The bad news that came from today was that I have to have a RH- shot in the next few weeks, seriously, nobody told me about that shot so I was non to thrilled with that news but I have to do what I have to do to ensure the health of not only this baby but myself as well.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
20 weeks and counting...
Not only is today the official twenty week marker but it is my 26th birthday which puts me at four away from being thirty. I will be honest with you, that number scares the absolute hell out of me...LOL. Daniel got through his without any problems but you are looking at someone who had issues with turning 25 so that should be interesting.
Today is also big for our marriage! For the first time in the almost three years that we have been married, my husband is now working first shift which means I will have someone to eat dinner with, watch TV with, and to also celebrate my actual birthday with.
Seriously, could this day get any better??
Friday, September 18, 2009
Our first big baby purchase...
No, well tough, I am telling you!!!
We are making the first big baby purchase since we found out we were expecting. My wonderful MIL has stepped up to the plate and has offered to buy the little ones crib and it is currently sitting on hold for us at Babies R Us. Would you like to see the one we have picked? If yes then please see below.
Now as you can see the changing table is attached to the crib which means we won't have to purchase an extra changing table. I spent weeks researching cribs and after countless favorites, reading customers reviews to the last letter, and weighing the pros and cons of picking this particular one as opposed to others, we decided that this one my friends, is the big winner. Here are my reasons; it's a lifetime crib which means that not only will it be a crib but it will also eventually be a toddler bed and then sometime after that a full size bed, it has a changing table attached which means we won't have the added expense of having to go out and buy a stand alone changing table that can only be used for so long, this one can be used on it's own as a nightstand if we so choose. My last reason is the big one, the nursery is relatively small so I knew we wouldn't have room for all of the furniture we originally thought we might need so buying a dresser was out of the question. This changing table has drawers attached which means all of the small things I knew would need to be in grabbing distance during diapers changes would be right there safe and sound. This means that we can get away with not having a dresser and thankfully the closet is set up in a way that it has shelves so the plan is to buy smaller baskets for the clothes that cannot be hung.
Now at the end of the day the crib is a little on the expensive side, we're talking between three and four hundred, but if you were to add up the cost of buying a crib, dresser, and changing table we were talking close to a thousand dollars if they were all purchased from Babies R Us. I am anal like that and wanted all of the items to match and I knew there was no way in you know what that we would have a thousand dollars just laying around for nursery furniture so at the end of the day I think we have made an excellent decision. We offered to split the cost of the crib however the MIL said no so off to Babies R Us we go.
I can't believe we are to the point where we are buying a crib. This pregnancy seems as if though it has flown by. My sister and I were talking just the other day and she said she couldn't believe how fast mine is flying and how slow hers is taking. She is two centimeters dilated by the way!
To make it seem like this pregnancy has gone even quicker is the fact my Doctor must have been having an off day during that first appointment when she said my due date was February 18th, that didn't seem right to me and our ultrasound tech confirmed that it was off at our 9 week ultrasound. I have been telling everyone I was due the 10th but was still sticking with the week that I was told I was at in the pregnancy. I finally sat down today and pulled the calendar off of the wall and started counting the weeks that have passed since this journey began so to say. As I originally suspected we are due on February 10th which means I am a week farther than the Doctor originally thought. Next Wednesday I will be 20 weeks which more importantly means we are half way through this journey. I cannot believe that in four months I will have this little one in my arms. It all just seems so surreal, how I went from wanting a baby so bad to actually putting those feelings aside so that I could devote all of my time to getting well and then bang, Baby B is on their way. I guess what they say about not thinking about getting pregnant or trying so hard and it will happen is true. We are proof that it is true and I guess when you have something else to put your mind towards so that you aren't thinking about it, it actually becomes feasible and not easier said than done.
Our next appointment is the 25th so I am excited that we will finally be able to schedule the ultrasound that will reveal whether this little peanut is a girl or a boy. Daniel has finally been moved to first shift which thankfully should only last until February, but I am sad to think he is going to miss out on all of the appointments starting with this next one up until the baby is hatched. He did say that they should allow him off long enough to join me for the ultrasound but even if they don't I have come up with a plan so no matter what happens I won't find out before he does. You may be wondering why I am not thrilled with the idea of him being on first shift, it's something we have wanted for awhile now because it would be nice to see my husband more than twice a week, but now that the baby is on the way we were sorta glad it never happened because my being on first while he was on second meant one thing...NO DAYCARE!!! I refuse to have my child in daycare at this point because it just seems so unfair to have to put my newborn in daycare with the kids and all of their pesky germs, especially now with the swine flu going around. I know that some have no choice but I was hoping it wouldn't be a choice that we would have to make. We also didn't want to have to do it because honestly, there is no way that we would be able to afford it even if we tightened our purse strings at home. We figured that since my sister will be a SAHM that she would watch the baby for those two hours that we wouldn't be available and she happily agreed. Now though we could possibly be facing the fact that the baby might be away from home during the entire day, my sister is OK with it but my fear is having two newborns under one roof that she is responsible for entirely will be overwhelming. She always said she wanted twins so I guess this is as close as she may get...LOL. I guess we will play everything by ear. For now the goal is to get this baby here, we will worry about babysitters later!!
Hopefully my next post with either be with the results about whether it a boy or girl, or when it is scheduled! I am keeping my fingers crossed that it will be the first one and that they get me in right away because honestly not only am I going mad waiting, but our families are ready to know as well.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
One thing...
On a nursery note, we are starting to work on the nursery this weekend. We have lots of stuff that needs to find a new place in our home so this should be interesting. As I mentioned in a previous post we are doing a farm theme in the nursery and my step-dads girlfriend has offered to do a mural for us. I can't wait until the room is done and ready for the baby. The nursery takes priority but then we get to start working on the spare bedroom upon the nursery's completion. The room is currently being used as Daniel's personal walk in closet so we have to organize and get the furniture arranged. We're slapping on a fresh coat of paint and getting some new bedding and then that room will be ready to go for any overnight guests that we might have in the first few weeks of the baby being home. It's ridiculous that we have been in this house for three years next month and it's taken a pregnancy to push us into getting things done around here.
I am off to bed now, hopefully I can get comfortable, this ache in my belly really needs to cease until it's time to get
Friday, August 28, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
I like the farm animals so much better Baby B is going to be a little cowgirl or cowboy!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Belly Shot #1, Week 14
Friday, August 21, 2009
Sadly Annaleigh unexpectedly was diagnosed with a disease called NEC today, it affects the digestive system of the baby and it moves very swiftly. Often times the babies recover after having the setback but in Annaleigh's case it was too late. Her surgeon discovered that her bowels were completely dead and essentially there was nothing that they could do. More than likely Annaleigh will not survive the weekend, possibly not even the night. Being pregnant with my first child after years of trying I can relate to the miracle that their conception and ultimate birth was. I can't relate though to what they must be going through. The pain and sadness that they are feeling is one I pray that I never have to experience as a parent. Tonight, please keep Brooke, Joe, and Annaleigh along with their others babies in your thoughts and prayers. I pray that God takes Annaleigh peacefully and that he allows Charlie and Lily to continue to grow and thrive in honor of the sister that they will never know or experience.
We have already registered and I hope that here in the next few weeks we will get a start on the nursery. This house is filled with procrastinators so as long as it's finished before the big arrival I am not going to stress very much. We have had lots of offers of help in preparing the room so I think once we start it's going to go quickly and smoothly. As of right now we are doing a jungle theme but I am slowly moving to pinks and purples for a little girl and if its a boy I see a farm theme in our future.
Our next appointment is next Friday where I hope to hear the heartbeat for the first time. I am also going to do my best in persuading my Doctor to schedule the big ultrasound for sooner rather than later. I am so anxious in finding out whether this is my little girl or if the Grandma's are going to get their wish and have a little man. I took yet another gender prediction test online today and it predicted a girl just like all of the others. I am confident that it's a girl but I am not confident enough to place money on it. it to early to start feeling the baby?? I swear I felt a little something on Wednesday evening. I was kicking back in the recliner when I felt this oh so suttle flutter in my lower belly. It was nothing I have ever felt before so I immediately thought that it might be the baby but I have never done this before so I am not sure. I learned today that the baby is more than likely the size of a lemon. My husband being the funny guy that he is quickly ran to the refrigerator, grabbed the bottle of lemon juice that comes in the shape of a lemon and held it against my stomach. He pretty much implied I was a little far on the chubby side to only be carrying something that is the size of a lemon. He also said I have a muffin top, needless to say he almost got whipped. I am still working up the courage to post the first belly shot, I swear I am bigger than what I should be, but maybe not.
Anyway that's where we stand so far, the best is yet to come though.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Dogs and Children oh my...
Friday, August 7, 2009
My nephew to be...
By the way, sitting in the waiting room at the hospital in the maternity ward, watching all of the pregnant women come in and out, really helped the fact I will be one of those women in less than six months. It's officially sunk in that this is for real for us. I also bought the first few baby clothes that were gender related. I hit up a garage sale and spent $2.50 on 5 outfits for a little girl. I figured even if we do have a boy, I could always resell all of the girl clothing we have bought and received on e-bay and still make our money back on them since none of the outfits were purchased brand new.
Anyway, here are the pictures.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Almost there...
I finally gave my five vials of blood for the pre-natal testing. To say it was a chore would be an understatement. We went ahead and waited until my next Remicade treatment in hopes that we could get it done with one stick at one sitting instead of two sticks during two sittings. Four sticks later they finally found gold in my left arm. The veins in my right arm have finally given up on us and no longer produce any blood. We can do the infusion in the them but they just don't share the precious red stuff. The fourth stick we moved to the left arm and we hit gold, the blood flowed freely and after having to assist the nurse in taking the blood I about hit the floor. The medical field is definitely not an option for this chicken. I am just glad to have it over and done with and I hope the results provide us with more good news when it comes to the health of this pregnancy. I also hope I don't have to do give up that much blood again during this pregnancy. As a reward for making it through another stressful treatment we went out to dinner and then registered for the baby at Babies R Us which was so exciting. We will register for more stuff once we know for sure what we are having but in the meantime we thought it would be ok to get the stuff we know we will need such as bottles and pacifiers out of the way.
Here's to hoping that the next six months fly by just like the first twelve weeks have done. I know I will need the time to get everything ready to go for the baby but I just can't wait until my snuggle buddy gets here.